Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hello George

Possibly the worst drawing of Clooney ever, I apologize.

Okay, here's the deal. Most of my stories have a little grain of truth in them, or come from somewhere, they aren't just total fabrications.  This one was no different.  Back when I wrote this story, my youngest brother, Brandon, was working at a coffee hut in Auburn while going to the Community College there.  He was a tough kid, played football and track in high school and soccer in college.  Plus he was the youngest of three brothers so he obviously took a beating.  The one thing that could beat him was a patch of ice outside the coffee hut apparently.  He slipped, fell and knocked himself out.  I found it to be funny and kind of ironic that the football player that got hit in the head everyday was taken out by a patch of ice.  I decided to craft a storyline around that idea and pair it up with the batch of strips I had already written about the personal soundtrack machine, and voila, a comic is born.

PS - Neither he, nor I, have ever had our heads examined by George Clooney.

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