Thursday, June 18, 2015

Not So New Comic Review: Universe X #3

                We start this issue with a brief overview of the Savage Land (for those not in the know, that is a spot in Antarctica that was untouched by the ravages of time and still contains dinosaurs and prehistoric beasts).  It is also stated that the savage land is kind of a gateway to Limbo, you know, that place between heaven and hell.  We then get a brief history of Belasco and Limbo, including Magik’s involvement in the realm. 

                Back in New York, the mysterious bookbinder continues to do his job, and we quickly transition to Britain, where it is revealed that Cap and Marv are off to the Savage Land next (hence the opening sequence).   Cap and Marv enter the cloak and teleport to the Savage Land where they are met by Ka-Zar and Shanna, who are now cat-people.  Cap and Marv are not carrying the books they picked up from the Omniverse last issue, so it is interesting to wonder where all of these artifacts are going.  Do they have a specific vault where they are storing all these, away from the masses?  Does the cloak have a shit-ton of pockets, like cargo pants?

                Sorry, I got carried away.  Back in the Savage Land, Cap and Marv come upon Sentinel City and enter the ruins, only to find that Toad is now the master of magnetism and Magneto is his dancing court jester.  Apparently, when the polarities were shifted, Magneto’s powers vanished and…went to Toad?  Anyway, Toad, as with any petulant child that now has a tiny modicum of responsibility, is kind of a dick.  However, Cap appeals to his superiority complex and asks for his help, to which Toad agrees to allow them access to the door to Limbo.  Marv, Cap and Ka-Zar enter Limbo to pick up anti-metal and are immediately met with Wraiths.  They fight the adversary, with the help of one of the greatest Space-Knights and his laser guns until Mephisto shows up, which is never a good sign.

                In the realm of the dead, Marv and the dead who know they are dead are looking for the Kree, so Marv can convince them of their death and draft them into his army, but they are nowhere to be found.  They are then met by Thanos who, true to form, is still holding a torch for Death.  Marv puts him in his place by saying that Death does not care for him, but Thanos is in love, and he doesn’t believe it. 

                We quickly cut to New York to see that the Tong of Creel have almost completely reassembled the Absorbing Man (you know, that guy that killed the Avengers and was then split into multiple pieces and hid around the world….that guy).  We are then in a different part of New York, where Immortus seems to have a handler known as Mr. Church who plays him like Dick Cheney played GW Bush. 
                Back in Limbo, Mephisto wants to warn Cap and Marv that Death is following them.  Way to be late to the party, Mephisto.  Of course then he holds a glowing orb that he calls the “key to Limbo”, that is until Cap knocks it out of his hands and into the “frozen in carbonite” visage of Belasco.  This sends Belasco back in time, to start his cycle over again, which is kind of a recurring theme in this series.  Cap and Marv receive the gun from the Greatest SpaceKnight and leave Limbo.  As Cap looks over his shoulder, he sees Death silently following him.

Next Issue: Will Death finally claim her victim?  Will Cap get to use the big gun first?  Will Mr. Church shoot someone in the face?

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