Thursday, January 16, 2014

Not So New Comic Review: Guardians of the Galaxy (1991) #18

                    I was never a huge fan of the original Punisher from the regular Marvel Universe.  He just never appealed to me.  How would I fare with a gang of Punishers?  Let’s see.

                The member of the Punishers that had Vance in his sights at the end of the last issue (the one with the douchey reverse Mohawk) gets a shot off, but it’s not as true as he would have liked because of a claw that comes flying in to hit the shooter right across the face.  Vance still gets shot in the head though, which is not only a bad thing in general, but it also puts a hole in his containment suit, exposing his skin to the air.  The rest of the Guardians, along with the Comandeers, spring into action to bring down the Punishers while Hollywood takes Vance back to the base to receive some medical attention.  Charlie rallies the troops which apparently rallies the loins of Belle, one of the Comandeers.  She gets all googly- eyed at him and his big gun (no really, it’s an actual gun).  A gun that he use to straight up demolish a building that the Punishers are all standing on.  The head of the Punisher organization, the one with the strange skull painting on his face, has decided to enter the fray, along with all of the other members of his gang, so this fight is about to get really one-sided. 

                At that moment we head to the planet Courg (the planet that the Guardians were on in the first few issues as they fought The Stark).  Martinex has gone back to make sure everything is kosher since they last saw the dog-people of Courg.  One of the Courgians survived and now wants revege on Martinex though, but we won’t see how that ends until next issue.

                Right now, we have to head back and watch Yondu go nuts.  He went from an emo baby to getting a new hand and finally living up to his warrior status.  In fact, he straight up chops a guy’s head off (off panel of course).  This is the Yondu that we should be seeing in this comic, not the one that cries because the girl he likes doesn’t like him back.

                After a brief few panels where Nikki rides a floating scooter, we see Talon (a horrible character that I’m sure was brought in to complete the “snarky team member with claws” requirement for a ‘90’s super team) go to visit Krugar (remember him from the Annual?  He’s the new Dr. Strange) in order to get him to heal Vance. 
Back to the action, the Guardians sure look like they are about to win until the Punisher Tank shows up.  This series is supposed to be set in the thirty-first century but the tank sure looks like something out of Liefeld’s wet dream.  Guns spikes and a giant skull, all requisite pieces to a truly 90’s spectacle.  Charlie tries to shoot it with his giant gun to no avail.   Baqck in the base, Vance is resting in a containment unit when Krugar shows up to help him and when we head back to the battle we finally get to see the full reveal of Talon.  He’s about as douchey as you would expect.

Next Issue:  More Talon than you could ever want.  Trust me, just what we’ve seen so far is enough for me.  

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