Thursday, May 1, 2014

Not So New Comic Review: Guardians of the Galaxy (1991) #32

                It’s an all-out brawl between Captain Universe (who has inhabited the body of a Badoon) and Charlie-27 (who is now bald?)  At first, I thought that Kevin West had made a mistake that just wasn’t caught by the editor in regards to Charlie’s lack of hair, but as the issue goes along, we’ll see that this actually makes sense.  Not only that, but this issue features the return of Vance Astro to the fold as well as the one, the only, Dr. Strange!

                We open on Charlie, who has since awoke from his beating by Nikki last issue and wants revenge.  If you remember, the former lovers are fighting over the right to fight the Badoon one on one.  Nikki got the upper hand early, but Charlie is back with a vengeance.  Now that he’s not being caught off guard, he’s able to withstand the shots from Nikki’s knuckle blasters.  To help her case, Nikki decides to up the ante by controlling the flames on her head and directing them at Charlie’s face.

                We make a quick pit-stop to New York City of the future where the Comandeers are being tortured so that they give up the info on the location of the destroyed realiteevee center.  And of course, they cave. 

                Now, in a major shock, we jump again to Doctor Doom and Rancor’s mutants, where we learn that it was Doom himself and not the Badoon that came up with realiteevee after all.  Doom used the Badoon so as to stay in the shadows this whole time, but he was the one pulling the strings.  Now, his plan is to use the mutants to reestablish realiteevee and continue to control the masses.

                Now we are back in the present, in the home of Dr. Strange as Cap ad Vance Astro are asking him to take Vance to the Badoon homeworld.  Strange says that it is possible but they will have to travel through the dark dimension to get there.  Strange is reluctant, but finally agrees to do so and they begin their journey through the crazy Steve Ditko-esque landscape. 

                On the Guardians’ ship, Charlie beans down to the Badoon homeworld, and we see that he beat Nikki and tied her and Talon up so that they couldn’t interfere.  He shows up on the Badoon homeworld in the their gladiatorial arena, sans hair, which was burned off in the fight with Nikki (which explains the cover).  At the same time, the Captain Universe Badoon emerges and starts beating the crap out of Charlie.  When your opponent has the power of the universe on his side, there’s really not a whole lot you can do, and Charlie’s finding that out the hard way. 

                We now travel to the thirty-first century and see Dr. Doom recapping a lot of what has been going on in the last few issues, between the creation of realiteevee and the destruction of the realiteevee complex.  In order to get Rancor on board, Doom has apparently found the missing Wolverine claw that Rancor lost while fighting Talon.  He gives it back to her and she immediately thinks of stabbing him with it.  Talk about your lack of appreciation, jeez. 

                Back on the Badoon homeworld, Charlie and the Badoon are still duking it out, while Nikki and Talon can only watch.  All of a sudden someone that has been stowing away on the ship for a couple issues now shows up and shoots them in the back.  Back on the homeworld, Charlie is losing miserably.  Everything that he tries is being countered by the Badoon.  Everything seems pretty hopeless, as not only will Charlie lose this battle, but the lives of Nikki and Talon will be lost as well. 

                Strange and Vance are heading through the dark dimension, battling the mindless ones, when they come out on the other side and see the Badoon crouching over Charlie, ready to stab him with his own dagger.

Next Issue:  Will Charlie be stabbed?  Or is the Badoon merely going to clean up Charlie’s bald head?  Plus, there’s at least a twenty percent chance Dr. Strange and Vance do something useful.

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