Thursday, June 5, 2014

Not So New Comic Review: Guardians of the Galaxy (1991) #37

                Dr. Strange is dead!  You know it’s real too because it says so right on the cover to this issue.  Now the Guardians need to deal with Dormammu without the aid of the most powerful magical figure in the Marvel Universe.  How will they fare?  Let’s find out. 

                We start out with Dormammu standing triumphant over the fallen form of Dr. Strange.  He doesn’t get a chance to rest, however as he is quickly teleported inside the Guardians’ ship where he is punched by Charlie.  Before he can recover, Charlie (remember, the guy that was in a coma a couple minutes ago) keeps beating the tar out of him.  Before he can land a counterpunch he is teleported again.  This time he has to deal with Yellowjacket who is shrunk down to her tiny form and blasting away at him.  In order to take her out, Dormammu is just going to explode from all sides with his magical powers, which would destroy the ship as well if it wasn’t for the fact that right before he does that he’s teleported outside into space where his tantrum is harmless and right into the waiting arms of Krugarr who is eager to avenge the death of his mentor.

                We now travel to the moon, where Dr. Doom is being watched by a mysterious figure in green and gold and his creepy minion named composite, which is a creation taking all of the qualities of the Inhuman royal family and combining them into one individual.

                Back in space, both teams of Guardians are gathering in the ship as Krugarr continues his assault on Dormammu,  Just as Dormammu launches a counterattack, Talon telepathically contacts Krugarr and volunteers to send his power, and the power of the ancient one into Krugarr in order to defeat Dormammu once and for all.  It’s odd as we saw pretty much this exact same thing happen last issue and it’s what got Dr. Strange killed, yet for some reason it’s supposed to work this time?  And here’s the kicker…it does!  As well done as that whole “teleport Dormammu around to disorient him and then attack him” portion of the story was, the payoff here is incredibly lame. 

                At the end of it all, Talon get’s the dead Doctor’s Eye of Agamotto and the Guardians get a new ship (the Galactic Guardians’ ship, just handed over by Martinex).  The Guardians agree to go  to Earth to check on the Comandeers and everyone splits up.

                Back on Earth Rancor makes her move and attacks Dr. Doom in a pretty decent sequence by Kevin West.  Our final shot is Rancor twisting her Wolverine claw in the now dying Dr. Doom.  Here’s a question that has gnawed at me since this whole Rancor and her missing Wolverine claw thing started…how does she hold it without cutting her hand?  Sure she has a healing factor but wouldn’t there be blood from the cut?  Especially with the force she uses to stab and cut Doom with? 

Next issue: It’s a stabby good time with Rancor and Doom.

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