Thursday, August 28, 2014

Not So New Comic Review: Guardians of the Galaxy (1991) #48

                First things first, let’s start with a one-page recap of the four storylines going on right now.  Now that that’s out of the way, Hollywood can get his ass kicked by Overkill, the Stark warrior that keeps losing to the Guardians but comes back for more time after time.  Will this finally be the last dance for Overkill or has he actually come up against someone that he can beat?  My money is on Overkill’s track-record of futility, but let’s find out together.

                The fight starts out as you would expect.  Two characters pummeling eachother through deep space.  It ends with Hollywood holding Overkill’s own gun to his head.  This just proves how terrible Overkill is, and yet he just won’t die.  Instead of killing himself and putting us all out of our misery, he surrenders and decides to tell his story to Hollywood.  Now, Hollywood has no idea who this asshole is, so the idea that Overkill is going to recount his origin story to the guy that just kicked his ass makes a smidgen of sense if you think about it in terms of the fact that Hollywood probably wants to know what the hell just happened, but we’ve been reading this since day one.  We know who Overkill is and what a terrible character he has turned out to be.  I don’t need to hear his origin again.  Of course that was all a ruse so that Overkill can fire upon Hollywood when his guard is down.  There is no honor in shitty characters. 

                While Hollywood and Overkill continue their fight we look in on Starhawk and Aleta who have decided the best course of action is remove themselves from reality and go talk to the Hawk God directly, in front of the rest of the Gods (his superiors) to be precise. 

                Back to the Guardians, who are still having a Hell of a time with Mephisto (get it? Get it?)  Out of nowhere, Talon decides to do a little magic and whisk everyone away.  Why he couldn’t do this earlier, I don’t know.  And don’t say it had something to do with his back because he doesn’t need to stand in order to cast a spell. 

                Back to Hollywood and Overkill, who is pouring on everything that he can in order to ensure victory…except it doesn’t matter because Hollywood is still Hollywood.  Instead of dying like a decent creature, Overkill activates his self destruct sequence on his suit.  Unfortunately the power generated by that blast will wipe out most life in the area, and not just silently smother Overkill with a pillow or something.  This is a double bummer because Superman is nowhere to be found to throw him into the sun either.  Hollywood just hugs Overkill instead, absorbing the blast that (hopefully) finally kills Overkill.  We don’t see him die but if you pray hard enough to the Hawk God he won’t come back.

                Next issue: after finally getting rid of Overkill I don’t care what they throw at us, but I bet it has to do with the Joffrey Protégé.

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