Friday, September 21, 2012

WTF 9.17-9.21

AC Slater was a pussy

Yeah Mr. Belding!  I am not as big a fan of wrestling as I was back in the eighties and nineties, but I may just have to get back into it if they are going to have icons from my youth make guest appearances.  What’s next?  Alf?  Actually that would be pretty cool, as long as the other wrestler has something to do with cats.  Oh the possibilities. 

Here’s a solution

Okay, so maybe he is too fat to be put to death via lethal injection.  You know what doesn’t care how much you weigh?  A fucking bullet.  Quit being a bunch of pussies Ohio, it’s not like this guy gave a second thought to killing that hotel clerk, so why are you taking his well-being into account?  Oh, that’s right, because America is turning into a country of political correct bitches.  My mistake.

If she was driving the Love Bug, it would have stopped

She’s a train wreck, we all know it, and we all laugh at her for it.  Now she is hitting people with her car though?  And then fleeing the scene?  First of all, why is anyone allowing her to drive on her own?  And in New York City? Second, no wait, there is no second, because in the first point she HIT SOMEONE WITH HER CAR!

And people wonder why the Chinese are kicking our asses

I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that this actually happened, or that Yahoo is reporting it as “weird news” like it should involve a kitten with a funny hat or something.  School negligence is apparently running pretty rampant through this country as the government decides that the answer to making our kids smarter is to just make shit more difficult in school and force the teachers to focus on academics and not life-building skills.  At the end of the day, everyone is either so frazzled by the day they had, or are completely unqualified for the position that they are in, that mistakes like this happen.  These are mistakes that could lead to disastrous consequences for the child, especially nowadays.  Back when I was growing up, the threat may have been a little less, but regardless, a child got placed into a stranger’s car.  Luckily it was a car going to a daycare and not one going to some creepy guy’s dungeon.


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