Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hell’s Kitchen Episode Three: Come at me, Stringbean!

            Let’s start right out with an admission.  I missed the first part of the episode, so I have no idea what sage wisdom Ramsay gave chubby guy, but he didn’t send him home so that has to count for something.  Everyone had just been aroused from what was probably a delightful hoo-ha flapping slumber when they were faced with a marathon.  It wasn’t a true marathon, but these are chefs, it’s a good bet that they don’t do a whole lot of running.  For this challenge, one of the chefs from each team had to run the marathon while the others prepared a healthy lunch for the other, non-contestant, runners.  The running chef gets to join their team after the completion of the marathon, but until then said team will be a man (or woman) down. 

            This is good in theory, but Ramsay seems destined to sabotage the chances of the women as he chooses one of the bigger girls (squeaky-voiced girl) to run while the boys lose one of their skinny guys.  True, this may not be a distinct advantage, maybe the skinny guy has asthma, but nope.  Skinny guy coasts through just fine and is back in the kitchen to help his team, while squeaky-voiced girl is struggling to get back.  I have to give her a lot of credit, she ran the whole way and came back ready to work, that takes a lot of guts.  However, she is so winded and worn out when she gets back that she is not too much help.  We then get one of the token pretty girls talking about how she makes smoothies all the time and is awesome at making smoothies, and then she is just massacring the dish.  The execution is fine but she just slops it into the serving glass, prompting a predictable outburst from Ramsay.

            Just as an aside here, I love when someone claims their proficiency in something.  That just means for the next three minutes you will see them screw it up in some way shape or form.

            Token pretty girl didn’t screw things up too badly though, and even being a woman down and having to come from behind, the women won.  The guys suck this year.  They really do.  But the one that really sunk the ship in this particular instance was loud black guy.  Not only did he cook of a shit-ton of fish ahead of the service (basically wasting them because, duh, they don’t just reheat shit in Hell’s Kitchen) but he actually went back and grabbed one of those fish to actually serve to a customer, and then had the audacity to lie about it.  Really?  You are being watched by cameras constantly and Ramsay himself is notorious about being a stickler for that kind of stuff, not to mention the fact that he has assistants that can spot and report that shit as well.  To lie about it is ridiculous.  The guys were so very close to winning too, and they were sunk by a dumbass and a piece of salmon. 

            During the official announcement of the winning team, two of the guys, one of the skinny ones and the old guy, make it a point to ask Ramsay to speak slower when he is calling out the tickets.  This could be one of the most bizarre moments on the show as I don’t think I have ever seen anyone make that kind of a request of Ramsay before, nor does he honor it in any way shape or form other than to mock those two at the start of dinner service.

            So the girls win again and this time they get to go to a vineyard.  The guys get to go outside and clean up the race site and prep the kitchens.  The girls in the vineyard leads to squeaky-voiced girl exclaiming that she has always wanted to squish grapes with her feet when that opportunity is presented to the winning team.  Ummm, okay, if that’s on your bucket list then ok, but you can easily do that without going to a vineyard.

            Now on to dinner service!  This was a risotto mess on both ends.  First, the guys.  All of the good graces that old guy may have garnered last week may have evaporated as he couldn’t cook a damn risotto, burning it or undercooking it, to the point where the VIP table (some unknown guy from the L.A. Clippers – seriously was Chris Paul busy?) was served hard rice.  Risotto can be tricky, but really all you have to do is check it before you send it up to the pass.  I will say that after that, Old Guy rebounded quite nicely and you didn’t hear from him again the whole episode.  (I still like him moving forward, but that’s at least partially because everyone else is terrible.) One of the girls cooked the risotto just fine, except she made five portions of it when she needed one.  It’s not like Ramsay is reusing her risotto either, so there was four wasted portions of risotto. 

            All of the appetizers got out though.  Entrees were a major stumbling block for both teams though.  The guys had trouble as being able to correctly cook the lamb was yet again an issue.  It was either underdone or it was cut horribly.  This obviously screwed up the garnish station as everything had to be done at the same time.  So the meat station guy and the garnish station guy got into a nice little argument because meat guy wouldn’t tell garnish guy how long until the lamb was done.  This led to garnish guy checking it himself and meat guy standing next to him so that garnish guy had to basically walk through him to get back to his station.  At this point we get a “don’t bump me” from meat guy, even though he instigated it, and they start jawing at eachother like a couple of punks.  They both say that they want to beat eachother’s ass but I’d be surprised if they could put up much of a fight.  Ramsay realizes that the emotions in the kitchen are running hot, pulls them aside and quickly douses that flame. 

            The girls have trouble on the meat station as well as girl that always looks sad gave Ramsay waaaaaay overdone Wellington.  This was a purplish brown color, that’s how overdone it was.  Even my roommate, who is not a foodie at all, commented on the sad coloring on that dish. This was before Ramsay flipped his lid on her.  Here’s the catch, she had two other Wellingtons on her board, and gave Ramsay the worst of the three.  We also got the other girl on the meat station sending up raw chicken.  Okay, if you send up underdone beef or lamb, that’s not the worst thing in the world.  It may not be to the customer’s liking but it isn’t necessarily harmful, especially if the meat is a high quality like what you would assume would be used here.  There is no such thing as rare chicken.  It’s either done, or it’s not done, and this chicken was not done.  This is one of the most consistent things that sets Ramsay off between any of the shows that you see him on.  He knows how important it is to not serve raw chicken to someone and flips out when he sees it. 

            Despite all of this, dinner service is completed by both kitchens.  The boys win because trying to sneak raw chicken past the chef is a more grievous error than a bromance feud.  Good job guys, you get to keep one of your increasingly unlikable team members around for at least one more week.  So on the chopping block this week we have girl that always looks sad, and girl that has no idea what one portion of risotto looks like.  Of course, when no one can give an adequate reason why girl who doesn’t know what one portion of risotto looks like is up there, she gets sent back in line and is replaced by undercooked chicken girl.  While sending up undercooked chicken is bad, girl that always looks sad just can’t wrap her head around how to work in a kitchen of that caliber.  She gets sent home, lamenting that she just needed more time to adjust. 

            Tonight we get a blow up by fat black girl and chubby guy, who we didn’t really hear from last week, gets his own starring role as he puts his head down on the counter and kind of gives up.  His health is called into question here, so we will see where this goes.  Other than that, just another normal day in Hell’s Kitchen.

See you next week!   

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