Friday, July 6, 2012

WTF 7.2-7.6

Follow the rules, or else

This is the problem with America in general nowadays.  No one can do the right thing because they now have to do the mandated thing, and avoid stiff punishment for deviating from that mandate.  Go ahead, fight me on this.  The person that does the “right thing” should be rewarded not punished, regardless of whether it falls into the guidelines.  Was he supposed to look the other way as someone died?  Fuck you Susan Ellis, and your shitty, heartless company.

Dumbass of the week

Here is your dumbass for the week.  First of all, you didn’t need to put a video camera in the locker room to record a speech.  An audio recorder would have been fine and could have made sure there was no possibility of child porn charges.  Second of all, tell your daughter to quit being such a pussy.  If she doesn’t like getting yelled at by her coach, don’t play the sport.  Do coaches take it too far sometimes?  Sure, I understand that, but if Wendee Long had just told her daughter to suck it up and play the game instead of getting all butt-hurt every time her coach yelled she wouldn’t be in this mess.  Third, Wendee?  Really?  Spell your name like an adult would and maybe you would stop acting like a child.  Everyone in this situation needs to grow up, especially the individual that can’t spell her own name right.

America the beautiful

Look at this list and tell me that the political system is not corrupt.  Go ahead, I dare you.

This is news?


Excuses are like assholes, and look, this guy is one!

Let’s come up with another excuse for bad behavior.   Fuck!  Why can’t someone just be a dirtbag and leave it at that?  He groped five women/girls in one night.  What’s next, the Tommy Lee defense?  “Sorry your honor I was just trying to break Tommy Lee’s record of women fucked in one night, blame him, not me.”  I hope your five month stay in jail is as eventful as it should be Kenneth Sands.  Fucking douche.

Practicing what we preach

Now I am in no way condoning racism or anything like that, but just because a white guy wants to hold a “white’s only” meeting in the deep south doesn’t mean that they are going on a killing spree.  People make huge deals out of “white only” anything.  Yes, I  realize that all of the traditional hallmarks of white supremacy are going to be there, KKK flags and even the burning cross, which they are calling a “sacred Christian cross lighting” which, um, ok.  I guess you could call it that and it wouldn’t mean the same thing as if you had done it on someone’s front lawn, but don’t try and dress up a hobo and call him a dandy chap. 
However getting on the case of white people that are, at least at this point, peaceably assembling is a little backwards.  If white people were to do this to any other race they would be called racist and accused of violating civil rights.  Let’s offer these people the same courtesy we would expect even though our views differ.  If they get violent or belligerent (which, being Alabama, is high on the list of possibilities) then action can be taken, but to treat this as news is a poor choice by not only Yahoo but also the local news outlets.  

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